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Le Mouvement

Myriam Lefkowitz

The practice of French-American, Paris-based artist Myriam Lefkowitz (b. 1980) addresses the relationship between movement and the gaze, or lack thereof. This has manifested in her on-going investigations in Walk, Hands, Eyes (Biel/Bienne). Here a trained dancer guides a ‘viewer’ along a specific trajectory while asking them to keep their eyes closed, opening them only on command. Radically enhancing one's senses, the performance redistributes one’s usual perception of the city to the entirety of the body.

Itinerant (Start: Farelsaal)

60 min

Friday August 29, 11:00, 15:00 and 17:00, Saturday August 30, 11:00, 12:30, 15:00, and 17:00, Sunday August 31, 11:00, 15:00 and 17:00

To book your guided tour with Myriam, sign up at info@lemouvement.ch and mention the day and time you’d like

Myriam Lefkowitz, Walk, Hands, Eyes (Biel/Bienne), 2013

Biel/Bienne 2014


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